
  • Holiday Confetti Salad

    Holiday Confetti Salad

    When I was a very small child, my mom dressed me up in my blue and white polka-dot coat and took me to see Santa.  She did not…

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    4 min read

  • Homemade Noodles and Small Things

    Homemade Noodles and Small Things

    When discussing my blog posting strategy for November, my husband suggested that I incorporate things for which I am thankful along with recipes for your Thanksgiving feast.  This…

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    4 min read

  • Swiss Green Bean Casserole

    When discussing my blog posting strategy for November, my husband suggested that I incorporate things for which I am thankful along with recipes for your Thanksgiving feast.  This…

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    4 min read

  • Classic Thanksgiving Scalloped Corn

    Classic Thanksgiving Scalloped Corn

    When discussing my blog posting strategy for November, my husband suggested that I incorporate things for which I am thankful along with recipes for your Thanksgiving feast.  This…

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    4 min read

  • Protected: I wasn’t there

    Protected: I wasn’t there

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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    4 min read

  • Butterhorns for Your Feast

    Butterhorns for Your Feast

    When discussing my blog posting strategy for November, my husband suggested that I incorporate things for which I am thankful along with recipes for your Thanksgiving feast.  This…

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    4 min read

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