
  • Frazzalene for A Frazzled Mom

    Frazzalene for A Frazzled Mom

    Going from being a WAHM (Work at Home Mom) to being a WOHM (Work Outside the Home Mom) has been a rough transition for all of us.  Gone…

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    4 min read

  • Pineapple Teriyaki Meatloaf

    Pineapple Teriyaki Meatloaf

    I have had a few forays into making Japanese food before on this blog.  For instance, the egg foo yung that I attempted to feed my family. (I’m…

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    4 min read

  • Food Roadtrip: Honey and Cinnamon Candied Yams

    Food Roadtrip: Honey and Cinnamon Candied Yams

    Call them sweet potatoes, call them yams.  You can call them Al.  It doesn’t really matter because these indulgent candied tubers are delicious any way you slice them…

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    4 min read

  • Chocolate Coconut Macaroons

    Chocolate Coconut Macaroons

    There is just something about a macaroon.  Not those fancy French macarons.  (Although my friend brought me back some from Paris that were amazing.  That little caramel one…) …

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    4 min read

  • Pork Chops Jimmy

    Pork Chops Jimmy

    The recipe opens with the line “Son Jimmy’s favorite pork dish.” It’s things like this that prick my imagination.  Who was Jimmy? He probably wasn’t Jimmy Ray. I…

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    4 min read

  • Weeknight Dinner Chicken Tetrazzini

    Weeknight Dinner Chicken Tetrazzini

    I have major spring fever.  As frequent readers know, I have a new house with quite a lot of yard that we are unaccustomed to.  Last year, we…

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    4 min read

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