7 days before Christmas…
In the winter, it’s very important to get your vitamin C. You don’t want scurvy.These real orange cookies are nothing short of amazing. They have a bright sunshiny flavor. They are crisper than I expected them to be, but in a welcome way. We decided to dress them up with a drizzle of white and dark chocolate. (Apologies to those friends who got plates before these were decorated. You are welcome to come over and get the decorated ones)
Butterscotch is my grandma’s favorite candy. In honor of her, I made this recipe. I tried coating it in some cornstarch and powdered sugar to keep it from sticking, but it clumped up and sort of looks terrible. It doesn’t affect the taste. The edges of it are very brittle, but the middle feels like the brown sugar didn’t dissolve all the way. But it doesn’t really matter. This is my husband’s top pick of candy. (Don’t tell him he’s like my grandma.)
Seriously, look at the orange rind in that cookie. Don’t you just want to take a bite?
2 cups sugar
½ cup brown sugar
1 cup butter
2 T vinegar
¼ cup boiling water
1/8 tsp salt
Boil ingredients together to hard-crack stage (290°). Turn into greased pans. Mark candy into squares when partly cold.
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